

10 years old
Piano, 4 years experience
 Navyaa Makin: 2023 GOCAA International Piano
Performed at the Global Outstanding Chinese Artists Association
Concert Series at National Opera Center & Young Musicians
Showcase Gala Concert at DiMenna Center for Performing Arts

Both of my children have been taking piano lessons at Melody Institute
since 2020 and have made tremendous progress. They have benefitted
immensely from all the teachers, starting as beginner students and moving
on to advanced lessons. Both have felt encouraged and motivated to do better.
Our experience with our current teacher, Ms. Liu, has been nothing but outstanding!
She is very knowledgable and patient; she has always been encouraging and has a
positive influence. She has been instrumental when it comes to practicing for exams
and competitions. Because of her encouragement, personalized attention, and feedback,
my kids have performed well at several competitions. Overall, Melody Institute has been
a wonderful experience for my family. The teachers are talented, kind, and dedicated to
helping students of all ages and skill levels achieve their musical goals. I highly
recommend this school to anyone interested in learning piano.



17 years old
Piano, 9 years experience
 1st Place, Crescendo Competition
 Gold Prize, National Young Maestro Competition
 Grand Prize, International Music and Arts Society

Madeleine studied at Melody Institute since the first day it opened.
At Melody Institute, her instructor always found ways to gently and kindly
encourage better technique and longer practice time. We were introduced to
new places for Madeleine to perform in and competitions to be a part of all the
time. We feel fortunate to have our daughter's piano study continue its progress
at Melody Institute!



17 years old
Violin / Voice, 4.5 years experience

When Michael decided he wanted to learn violin, we were fortunate to find
a wonderful school with a positive and beneficial environment. We have seen
him develop an understanding, respect, and passion for music. He was able to participate
in a few recitals, and we couldn't be prouder. We must give credit to Melody Institute
for providing him with an environment that encourages him to be the best musician
he can be and guaranteeing the professionalism and dedication we expect
from his teachers. Violin is not an easy instrument, and voice takes a lot of dedication.
Still, we are confident that with the guidance of Melody Institute and its faculty, Michael will
soar beyond all our expectations.



11 years old
Piano, 3 years experience
Father: Chaitanya Prasanna, Private Piano Student

My daughter has attended Melody Institute since she was a little younger
than 5 years old. Before Melody Institute, we tried another music school. Spatika
was completely put off by the experience we had there. Our experience with Melody
Institute is the complete opposite! What is unique about Melody is that the school
allows (and encourages) a parent to be with their child during lessons. This is fantastic,
as not only do I get to participate in my daughter's learning, but I also get to learn a bit
as well. This experience spurred me on to take piano lessons, too - something that I've
always wanted to do but for which I "never found the time." I would strongly recommend
Melody Institute to anyone looking to (re-)discover the joy of learning and playing music.



Piano, 7 years experience

I had always wanted to take piano lessons. When a school opened up near my home,
I checked out the website and saw lessons were offered for people of all ages. I signed
up for lessons immediately after my free trial and told everyone I know how great Melody
Institute is! I am always guided through the pieces I am learning and feel like my skills
are diligently improving. The staff takes wonderful care of me if I have any questions
or need to reschedule my lessons when life happens. I look forward to my weekly lesson!




21, 19, & 16 years old
Piano, Private Students
 Jonah Storch - 2nd Place, Crescendo Competition
 Rebecca Storch - Grand Prize, International Music and Arts Society

My children have been learning piano for years; it has been an amazing journey;
we are so grateful for all the good recommendations about their curriculum, exams, and
auditions that Melody Institute provides. It is great that the school teaches
the value of hard work with their instruments. Melody Institute has taught us how important
commitment to learning is. Since beginning lessons, my children have had more confidence and
pride in themselves and their abilities (e.g., competitions/auditions, school concerts, accepting
compliments on their playing skills). Rebecca has even mentioned that people have asked her if
she will pursue music as a major in college after hearing her play. Seeing the smile on her face
because of that was a wonderful feeling! People always ask us where our children go to school
for music. We are proud to say Melody Institute every time! Here, we have found a dedicated
teacher who surpasses the teachers we have had in the past who did not challenge
the children or push them to achieve their greatest potential. We hope to continue with
Melody Institute for more years to come.



14 years old
Group Piano / Private Piano

I highly recommend Melody Institute to everyone! My daughter started learning
piano at 4 years old. She started with group lessons before moving on to private
lessons. During lessons, our daughter was engaged and wanted to practice and learn.
The staff is so kind and helpful too! During Tiffanie's time in group lessons, I participated
with her. I learned a lot, which made it easier for me to help Tiffanie continue learning
and practicing at home. I also had lots of fun in the class, learning alongside my daughter and
the other parents. To this day, I still remember what I learned in the group lesson with her.
The school was accommodating in the transition from group to private lessons. We were
immediately advised when Tiffanie was ready to transfer. I was thrilled that Melody
took the time to evaluate what would be best for Tiffanie. The group class provided
my daughter an excellent foundation for her future music studies!



Adult Student
Guitar, 5.5 years experience

I started at Melody Institute in September of 2018. I chose Melody over other places
because the staff is friendly, and the instructors are knowledgeable teachers with
lots of experience! I have not been disappointed in my decision.
In the 3 years I've been here, my guitar playing and understanding of music
have developed greatly! I'm definitely staying here and absolutely recommend it
to anyone interested in learning an instrument and improving their understanding
of music and its theory. My guitar instructor is such a great teacher, musician,
and person overall! He brings a structural approach to teaching the instrument
that helps you learn it at a faster pace. He is very knowledgeable in
all genres of music! Jazz, classical, rock, bluegrass, etc. I love everything about Melody.
My only regret is not coming to Melody Institute earlier!



14 years old
Piano, 6 years experience
 1st Place, Little Mozarts Competition
 3rd Place, Steinway Junior Pianist Competition

We are delighted to send our son to Melody Institute. The school has a great staff
and a welcoming environment. No words can express our appreciation as we continue
to witness our son's growth and progress each step of the way; he can enjoy playing music
with an innate passion we would otherwise not have known he possessed.
Thank you to Melody Institute for always bringing out the best in our son and for providing
him a positive learning experience at his individual pace, which gives him great opportunities
to be proud of when he looks back. Special thanks to his piano instructor for all the kindness,
patience, diligence, and encouragement that has been shown to our son and for always
believing in our son's potential. "Behind every student who believes in themselves is a 
teacher who believed in them first."

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