Enjoyable classes where children, caregivers, and teachers share songs, instrument play, rhythm chants, and movement activities in non-specific skill or performance-based instruction. Infant and toddler classes provide caregivers with tools to understand the child’s musical development regardless of their own musical abilities, to enrich their musical environment in order to increase music potential, and allow meeting other caregivers and sharing fun music activities in a joyful, safe environment.
Infant Classes
Toddler Classes
Mixed-Ages Classes
A community of preschoolers of various ages engages musically with teachers, other children in the family, and friends. Mixed-age classes encourage the younger children’s natural inclination to sing, play, and move by watching and imitating older ones, which is an effective tool in supporting all aspects of learning in preschoolers. Every child’s musical development increases by singing, listening, playing instruments, and moving at his or her level. Our fun music and movement activities feature story songs, game songs, and classical pieces from different cultural styles in various meters and tonalities.